What if Everyone Forgot Python Instantly? - Sam & Soozy #02


Yo Soozy! 🐍 Imagine waking up tomorrow and everyone forgets about Python. Like, not the snake... the programming language. We all forget it even existed. The code is still running, but no one remembers how or why it works. 😂


Wait, for real? So, the code’s still doing its thing, but people are like, “What’s this alien language?” Haha, that’s crazy! The world would be running on a forgotten spell! 😆


Exactly! At first, nothing happens, ‘cause all the systems keep running, right? But give it time, and someone’s gonna have to maintain something. That’s when the chaos kicks in. Imagine some developer staring at the code, but like “What is this??” 😳


Haha, I can totally see that. The first few minutes would be fine. No one notices. But then a bug shows up. Someone’s like, “Uh, how do I fix this?” And suddenly… pandemonium. People frantically Googling “how to fix this or what happened, infect they can't believe that they have written that code. how?.” 😂


Exactly! And it’ll only take, like, 30 minutes before things start going wrong. Think about it: airlines, for example, a lot of them use Python for system management. If one thing goes wrong, flights will start getting delayed. That’s like 65 million passengers worldwide every day who might be stranded! ✈


Oh my gosh, can you imagine airports? Total chaos. And it won’t stop there. Traffic lights run on Python in big cities. If they stop working or need maintenance, boom—accidents everywhere. 🚗💥 And it’s not like someone can just open up the code and fix it. No one even knows what Python is anymore!


Right! I mean, there are over 300,000 traffic lights just in the US. Multiply that globally. You’d have people honking, yelling, road rage at its peak. Even governments would be like, “Is this a cyberattack?!” 😱


Governments would freak out! They’d think it’s some massive coordinated attack or something. But it’s literally just a forgotten programming language. And then, oh man, think about NASA. 🛰 You know how much of their software is written in Python? They’d lose contact with half their satellites. That’s $600 billion worth of space equipment just floating around, out of control.


Yeah, they’d be like, “Houston, we have a BIG problem.” And then there’s the financial sector. Wall Street would crash! All those algorithms that trade billions every day—they’re Python-based. No updates, no fixes. Stocks would go nuts, banks would panic. 💸


Not to mention e-commerce. Factories and logistics that run on Python automation? Shut down. That’s the entire $4.5 trillion e-commerce industry grinding to a halt. People would freak out because nothing is being produced or delivered perfectly anymore. No Amazon, no nothing!


Exactly! And let’s not forget healthcare. Hospitals use Python to manage patient records and even for diagnostics. If anything needs updating, they’re screwed. Imagine 82,000+ surgeries a day potentially delayed or canceled. 😬 Lives literally hanging by a thread.


That’s terrifying! And if hospitals can’t function, that’s a global health crisis on top of everything else. Oh, and what about climate research? Scientists use Python to track CO2 levels, weather patterns, and more. Without real-time data, we’d be blind to what’s happening to our planet. 🌍


Yeah, climate change tracking would be set back years. All that data we use to prevent disasters, gone. The world would be overheating, but we wouldn’t even know it until it’s too late.


And just imagine trying to recreate everything. It’s not like they can just swap Python for another language right away. First, they’d have to reverse-engineer the entire thing! It would take years just to understand the structure and how it all works.


Right! It’s not like you can just Google “how to write Python code,” because no one even remembers Python exists! Programmers would spend months just trying to figure out what language this alien code is written in. And in the meantime, the world’s systems are collapsing.


Scientists and coders would be tearing their hair out trying to rebuild the tech. AI, machine learning—it’s all written in Python. They’d have to start from scratch! That’s 60% of AI projects written in Python, gone. Goodbye self-driving cars, goodbye smart assistants. 🤖


Imagine the panic! It would be a total tech apocalypse. Factories, planes, hospitals, satellites—everything falling apart bit by bit. And even if they somehow managed to reverse-engineer it, it’d take decades to get back to where we are now.


Exactly. By the time they rebuilt, we’d have lost years of progress. The global economy would be in ruins. Companies, governments, industries—they’d all collapse trying to recover. 🌍💥


It’s wild to think how one programming language could bring the world to its knees. Python disappearing would feel like the end of the digital world as we know it. 😵


Seriously! If we ever joked about learning Python for fun, turns out, it’s the language literally holding the world together. 😂


Yup! Note to self: don’t underestimate the power of snakes... even the coding ones! 🐍


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